Hiking Checklist

Preparation is always a very vital part of any kind of activity that you may do. Before going to school or work in the morning, you do your daily regimen. That may include a cup of coffee, a good breakfast, or a few minutes’ jog in the neighborhood. The same is very much true when […]

Plitvice Lakes National Park

Plitvice Lakes National Park is part of the UNESCO-protected heritage and one of the most beautiful nature reserves in the world. Pearl of the park consists of 16 lakes connected by waterfalls. This unique natural world, the combination of water and forests, flora and fauna, the contrast of autumn colors, the joy of summer, and winter […]

What are the Best Hiking Boots?

The greatest hiking boots must meet an essential requirement: they must keep you comfortable while you hike. A devoted hiker will not be deterred from their regular stroll by snow, rain, or heat. The extent to which you like the trek will be determined by what lies beneath your feet. You’ll never have a pleasant […]

Wandering Thoughts In the Company of Agua Azul

The cascading waters glisten in the morning sun, and a gentle breeze sprays tiny droplets of water on my face as I stand before the awe-inspiring beauty of the blue waterfalls of Agua Azul. It’s 8 AM in the morning. I just reached here after one hour of peddling through the forest. But, all the […]

Winter Adventures In Kedarkantha

Kedarkantha is a mountain pinnacle of the Himalayas in Uttarakhand, India. Its rise is 12,500 ft. Kedarkantha is situated inside Govind Wildlife Sanctuary in Uttarkashi district. The move to the pinnacle of Kedarkantha begins from a little town called Sankri. There is an aggregate of 13 pinnacles of the Himalayan reach obvious from the Kedarkantha […]