Hiking Checklist

Preparation is always a very vital part of any kind of activity that you may do. Before going to school or work in the morning, you do your daily regimen. That may include a cup of coffee, a good breakfast, or a few minutes’ jog in the neighborhood. The same is very much true when you plan to trek or hike somewhere. You need to set up your hiking checklist.

These items should be on your hiking checklist

Here are some of the things which you need to put in that backpack of yours. Let us start with the most important.

1.Detailed timetable

You should have a detailed timetable for your hike. Write a copy of your scheduled trek for the week or the weekend and leave that at home, with a family member, or a friend. If something happens to you, rescue teams will know where to find you.

2. Shelter

If you know that you will be staying in the vicinity overnight (or for a few more nights), you should definitely bring tenting provisions. This includes a sturdy tent, high-quality sleeping bag and pad, and maybe an extra blanket if you know that the area can get pretty cold. Remember that your knapsack or backpack should be able to carry these all.

3. Food and water

You will need to bring these for sustenance and energy. A very good example, in this case, is energy or protein bars. Besides these, you will need the stuff to prepare and cook the food in like a stove, a mess kit, a small GI opener and so many more.

4. Good set of clothing

People who plan to trek consider this as one of the most important parts of their hiking checklist. Even if you will just be hiking around for one whole morning, you will still need these things. Start off with a solid pair of boots then buy the rest.

5. First Aid Kit

Expect the unexpected and the worst possible thing to happen – and then get ready for that. You really do not want to nurse an infection, an allergic reaction, or asthma while trekking the trail or camping in an area you are not too familiar with. Therefore, you should have the necessary provisions to ensure that you can deal with any possibilities. See detailed First Aid Kit list.

6. Survival and emergency stuff

You do not really have to be the man versus wild that you’d watch on the Discovery channel. However, you should bring some of the things that he has too. He was able to survive with a knife and a fire starter so you should have that too. Bring your mobile phone, a radio, or a GPS tracker as well.

7. Extra stuff which may still fit in your bag

Guide books, reading materials, binoculars, cameras, hiking poles, and even bear repellants are all under this category. Again, if you have space in your bag, you can bring these things too.

Hiking checklists are made available in various online shops nowadays. However, it would still be best if you ask somebody who has been on the trail that you are planning to follow and visit. They will know the things which you specifically need for that particular trip. Interviewing them will definitely work better for you.

hiking on pathway

Hiking Essentials

When you are planning to go on a trekking adventure, make sure that you are well prepared for any eventualities. You may find several sites on the internet which will recommend you to bring certain things on your trip.

Once you have packed everything, you will notice that there are just too many that carrying such a heavy load will be more of a liability to you. It would be best if you bring only the most important things.

Here are the top ten hiking essentials which you must have:

1. Map

Even if you knew that the trail is short and can be finished in just an hour, if you still are not from the vicinity, you should have a map. You can get this from the park that you will be visiting. If it is a long trial and they offer you a guide, take it.

2. Compass

Admit it. Most of us today are not really well-versed with a compass. Before you go on your trip, make sure that you learn how to use this very valuable gadget. You can also bring a GPS tracker or your smartphone instead. That is more expensive but even more detailed.

3. Flashlight

Even if you know that you will not be spending the whole night in the area, bring this. There may be areas that you will have to pass through that are darker, like caves and shrouded regions. You may think that it is useless, but it definitely is not.

4. Food and Water

We all need nourishment so make sure that you have these hiking essentials. Make sure that you have at least a liter of water for a day. Bring chocolate and protein bars, beef jerky, and even some canned foods. Carry extra food, too.

5. Clothing

A good pair of sturdy and comfortable boots will get you throughout the way. You should also bring the appropriate clothing like nice pants, a shirt, a jacket, and a hat. Bring extra as well and put that inside a Ziploc bag to keep it clean and dry.

6. First Aid Kit

Everyone knows how important this is – so make sure that you have a well-stocked kit. Besides the usual provisions like bandages and Betadine, bring medications that you may need. If you have asthma or allergic reactions, carry medicines to treat those.

7. Pocket Knife and Other Tools

A Swiss Army Knife is one of those small, handy gadgets that you can bring. It has a locking blade; pliers, wire crimper and cutters; and scissors, among so many others. You should also have an all-around, sharp knife.

8. Waterproof Matches and Other Fire Starters

If you will be staying overnight, you will have to keep warm and cook your food. This is very important.

9. Camping Gear

A tent, a tarp, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, and an extra blanket would definitely be helpful when you are planning to stay in the wilderness overnight. Check out more info about winter camping.

10. Common sense

Some people tend to forget this very important thing at home. Don’t. This may save you from the risks and dangers in the wilderness.

From the term itself, these hiking essentials must be brought on any kind of trek that you are planning to undergo – whether that is in the Sahara, the South Pole, in the Canadian wilderness, or in the jungles of Africa.